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Perfil do Autor: Ali Mukhtar

Ali is a self-declared football addict, though in no need of an intervention whatsoever.

Growing up in the Middle-East, the beautiful game took up a big part of his childhood, following the sport vividly from a young age. Upon moving to Africa, his passion for football only grew.

Arsenal is Ali’s favorite team, with him also taking a liking to Barca in Spain, BVB in Germany, and Juventus in Italy. His favorite players of all-time include Thierry Henry, Ronaldinho, Zinedine Zidane, and inspirational Iraqi captain Younis Mahmoud.

The English Premier League is Ali’s favorite league, with La Liga a close second. However, his preferred football tournament is the FIFA World Cup, with fond childhood memories of the grand completion.

Football journalism is the career path chosen by Ali, having joined the LSTV team in March, 2014. With his zeal for writing, becoming a novelist is a dream Ali one day aspires to achieve.

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