Cameroon and Nigeria lock horns yet again, whilst Algeria take on Zambia for more World Cup qualifying action on Monday, Sept. 4th and Tues, Sept. 5th. provides info to catch Cameroon-Nigeria and Algeria-Zambia.

Broadcast info - Cameroon vs. Nigeria

Who's playing: It's part two of a double header featuring Cameroon and Nigeria, and Cameroon will be hoping to avoid another humiliating result after losing the first leg 4-0 to the Super Eagles a few days ago.

What time: Monday, September 4th at 10:00 PST/13:00 EST/17:00 GMT/18:00 WAT

What stadium: This game will be played at the Ahmadou Ahidjo Stadium. Located in Yaoundé, this venue can seat up to 40.122 fans at max capacity.

Which channel:


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Камерун 1 - 1 Нигерия

сентября 4, 2017 1:00Stade Omnisport Ahmadou Ahidjo (Yaoundé)

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Cote D'Ivoire: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
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Либерия: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
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Мали: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
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Маврикий: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
Mayotte: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa
Мозамбик: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
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Нигер: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
Нигерия: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SuperSport 3 Nigeria, SupserSport Select GO
Republic of the Congo: SuperSport 3 Africa
Reunion: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa
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Sao Tome and Principe: SuperSport 3 Africa
Sao Tome And Principe: SupserSport Select GO
Сенегал: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
Сейшельские Острова: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
Сьерра-Леоне: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
Сомали: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa
ЮАР: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
Южный Судан: SupserSport Select GO
Судан: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa
Свазиленд: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
Танзания: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
Того: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
Уганда: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO
Соединённое Королевство: TNT Sports 2, discovery+
Замбия: SuperSport MaXimo 1, SuperSport 3 Africa, SupserSport Select GO

Match Facts & Stats

  • Nigeria and Cameroon have met 19 times (competitively)
  • The Indomitable Lions have won three times...
  • ....whilst the Super Eagles have won 11
  • Nigeria so far are three for three in qualifying
  • They've met five times in WC qualifiers
  • Nigeria's record vs. Cameroon: W3 D1 L1


Here's how things look in Group B ahead of the match


Cameroon might be the reigning AFCON champions, but a few days ago, the Indomitable Lions weren't looking so mighty. In fact, they went down with barely a whimper as they were thrashed 4-0 by Nigeria, and the score-line could have been a whole lot worse.

As things are, Nigeria are looking pretty good to win Group B, and book their spot for next year's big event. Naturally, a lot could change should Cameroon manage to bounce back after their heavy defeat, as a win would see them move to five points, which would make things a lot more interesting. A win for Nigeria, of course, would effectively slam the door shut on any sort of comeback, and the Super Eagles are chasing a 34 game unbeaten run if they can avoid defeat. However, they could be missing a few key players for this fixture, including Odion Ighalo.

Broadcast info

Who's playing: Both Zambia and Algeria know that their World Cup qualifying chances may already have disappeared by the time they take to the pitch, but depending on the results from the Cameroon-Nigeria match, one of these teams could have a distant shot at catching leaders Nigeria.

What time: Tuesday, September 5th at 12:30 PST/15:30 EST/19:30 GMT/20:30 WAT

What stadium: This game will be played at the Stade Mohamed Hamlaoui. Located in Constantine, Algeria, this venue can seat up to 45.000 fans at max capacity.

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Алжир 0 - 1 Замбия

сентября 5, 2017 3:30Stade Mohamed-Hamlaoui (Constantine)

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Match Facts & Stats

  • Algeria and Zambia have met 13 times
  • The Desert Foxes have won seven times...
  • ...whilst Zambia have won four times
  • Algeria's WC qualifying record vs. Zambia is W4 L1


Here's how things look in Group B ahead of the match


For all intents and purposes, this match may be all for nothing. If Nigeria do beat Cameroon, they will have 12 points, meaning that Zambia - and Algeria - will have no chance at securing a spot at the 2018 World Cup. Unlike the European and Asian teams, the African groups have just one spot per group. That means there's no shot for the runners-up to gain a berth through any kind of play-off. Five groups, five spots available.

Algeria have struggled so far, with just one point to their name in a very tough group that includes Nigeria and reigning AFCON champs Cameroon. Zambia have done a bit better, but it's not been enough to keep pace with the Super Eagles, who have truly been flying so far.