UEFA Women's Nations League >

Nordirland vs Republik Irland stream and TV listings

K. A. Beattie
1 - 6
Dec 5, 202313:00
Windsor Park (Belfast)


Nordirland vs Republik Irland Match Events

  37'L. Quinn (0 - 1)
Assist: K. McCabe
  39'H. Payne (0 - 2)
Assist: L. Quinn
K. A. Beattie / S. Magill46'  
D. Vance / R. McKenna46'  
  47'K. Carusa (0 - 3)
Assist: K. McCabe
  50'K. McCabe (0 - 4)
Assist: D. O'Sullivan
  61'L. Quinn (0 - 5)
Assist: M. Connolly
  63'A. Larkin / H. Payne
  63'J. Stapleton / R. Littlejohn
R. Holloway64'  
D. Maxwell / N. Caldwell66'  
K. A. Beattie (1 - 5)
Assist: R. Holloway
  81'I. Atkinson / L. Quinn
  81'C. Mustaki / L. Quinn
M. Bell / C. McCarron81'  
  85'L. Agg / J. Finn
  86'C. Hayes (1 - 6)


UEFA Women's Nations League Standings

Pos.MannschaftASSUVTEGTTDPLetzte 5
Group 1
1 Niederlande 6 4 0 2 14 6 +8 12 SVSSS
1 Malta 6 5 1 0 13 1 +12 16 SUSSS
1 Republik Irland 6 6 0 0 20 2 +18 18 SSSSS
2 Lettland 6 3 1 2 17 6 +11 10 VSUSS
2 Ungarn 6 2 2 2 11 9 +2 8 SVUSV
2 England 6 4 0 2 15 8 +7 12 SSVSV
3 Andorra 6 1 1 4 2 17 -15 4 UVVVV
3 Nordirland 6 2 1 3 9 13 -4 7 VSUVS
3 Belgien 6 2 2 2 7 10 -3 8 VUSVU
4 Moldawien 6 0 3 3 4 12 -8 3 UUUVV
4 Schottland 6 0 2 4 3 15 -12 2 VUVVU
4 Albanien 6 0 1 5 2 18 -16 1 VVVVV
Aufstieg Play-off
Promotion - UEFA Nations League Women (League B: )
Promotion - UEFA Nations League Women (League A: )
Promotion - UEFA Nations League Women (League A/B - Relegation: )
UEFA Nations League Women (League A/B - Relegation: )
Relegation - UEFA Nations League Women (League B: )
Relegation - UEFA Nations League Women (League C: )

Internationale Berichterstattung

Nordirland vs Republik Irland Live Stream and TV Listings

GroßbritannienBBC Sport WebBBC iPlayerBBC Two Northern Ireland
Republik IrlandBBC Sport WebRTE PlayerBBC iPlayerRTE 2BBC Two Northern Ireland

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